
Mini Bananas Foster Cheesecakes

I made this for my friend who is a huge bananas foster fan. for the first dinner party she came to, i made bananas foster, then bananas foster cake for her birthday, then this cheesecake in celebration of her upcoming nuptials. 

This, by far was the richest and extracted the most oohhs and ahhs. (it goes a LOOONG way though. there were 4 of us, and i still have 3/4 of the cake left.) it does require quite a bit of work (i was up until 1 am, then had to set my alarm to wake myself up at 3, so i could refrigerate the cake, but that's my fault i started so late), but it's nothing complicated and, in the end, worth it. 

New Recipes

Couple things i did differently - i used dulce de leche (instead of caramel sauce - you can get it at any latin specialty food store, or in the ethnic aisle of your supermarket), added a little half and half, and added the rum to that. i used walnuts in the crust instead of pecans (for whatever reason, pecans are hard to find in queens, new york). and, i used a food processor for all of the prep instead of a mixer. i just tossed all of the crust ingredients together into the processor and tada! done.

I rinsed it out and mixed up all of the soft ingredients as per the recipe. you might have to transfer some of it to another bowl as it gets pretty full, but i just poured the batter into the mold with the bottom of the cuisinart still attached. anything i can do to lessen clean up time! anywhoo! enjoy!

Get the recipe here >> Mini Bananas Foster Cheesecakes @ handletheheat.com


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